Prefix | IRI |
rdf | |
rdfs | |
xsd | |
owl | |
dc | |
VValk | |
VKernel | |
VPlot | |
VState | |
VLog | |
V | |
rdfs:subClassOf | description |
#Kuery | |
DEPRECATED in favor of: | VPlot: The vocabulary for defining the hierarchical ValOS identifiers and for extending them with new step semantics |
The class of resources which represent VValk kueries. Deprecation note: VValk kueries and VAKON are an internal implementation detail. They will be superseded by VPlot-based computations, which will also be made an externally available. | |
#Resolver | |
VPlot:Verb The class of all verb names. A context that performs VPlot valks shall provide the conforming implementations for the subset of verbs that it has declared to support. | The class of all resolver names. Resolvers are verbs which are used for resolving generated properties. |
rdfs:domain | rdfs:range |
rdfs:domain | rdfs:range |
rdf:type | Comment |
rdf:type | rdfs:subClassOf |
#0 | |
rdfs:Literal | |
description | positional argument 0 |
#1 | |
rdfs:Literal | |
description | positional argument 1 |
#2 | |
rdfs:Literal | |
description | positional argument 2 |
#3 | |
rdfs:Literal | |
description | positional argument 3 |
#4 | |
rdfs:Literal | |
description | positional argument 4 |
#resolveChronicleRoot | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve chronicle root of the resource |
#resolveChronicleURI | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve chronicle URI of the resource |
#resolveModifiedAt | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve modification timestamp of the resource |
#resolveCreatedAt | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve creation timestamp of the resource |
#resolveVPlot | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve VPlot |
#impressViaVPlot | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | assign via VPlot |
#resolveContextTerm | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve context term against the event log of the given resource |
#resolveId | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve resource id of the given resource |
#resolveVRIDTransient | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve resource VRID object of the given resource |
#resolveDominantTypeName | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve dominant type name of the given resource |
#resolveOwnFieldsTransient | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve only owns-fields-only transient of this resource |
#resolveGhostPrototype | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve the ghost prototype of this ghost |
#resolveGhostHost | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve the ghost host of this ghost |
#resolveContentLength | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve octet count of the octet-stream associated with the Bvob |
#resolveTwinspace | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve the twinspace of the ScopeProperty |
#resolveTwinSubject | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve the reified twin subject of the ScopeProperty |
#resolveTwinObject | |
VValk:Resolver | |
description | resolve the reified twin object of the ScopeProperty |