@valos/valk library workspace

Unofficial Draft

Iridian Kiiskinen
Iridian Kiiskinen


Provides the ValOS core model computation specification and the 'VValk' ontology namespace

Status of This Document

This document is draft of a potential specification. It has no official standing of any kind and does not represent the support or consensus of any standards organization.

This document is part of the library workspace @valos/valk (of domain @valos/kernel) which has the description: Provides the ValOS core model computation specification and the 'VValk' ontology namespace.

Edit me - this is the first payload chapter. Abstract and SOTD are essential ReSpec boilerplate

See ReVDoc tutorial for instructions on how to write revdoc source documents.

See also ReVdoc specification and VDoc specification for reference documentation.

1. § The VValk fabric namespace of the library ontology of @valos/valk

The vocabulary for defining ValOS computations and for adding defining new semantics to it.

1.1 § @valos/valk IRI prefixes

Prefix IRI
rdf http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
rdfs http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
xsd http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#
owl http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#
dc http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/
VValk https://valospace.org/valk/0#
VKernel https://valospace.org/kernel/0#
VPlot https://valospace.org/plot/0#
VState https://valospace.org/state/0#
VLog https://valospace.org/log/0#
V https://valospace.org/0#

1.2 § VValk fabric classes The class of classes which are defined by the ValOS kernel domain ontologies.

This section describes fabric classes introduced by the 'VValk' namespace

rdfs:subClassOf description


DEPRECATED in favor of: VPlot: The vocabulary for defining the hierarchical ValOS identifiers and for extending them with new step semantics
The class of resources which represent VValk kueries. Deprecation note: VValk kueries and VAKON are an internal implementation detail. They will be superseded by VPlot-based computations, which will also be made an externally available.


VPlot:Verb The class of all verb names. A context that performs VPlot valks shall provide the conforming implementations for the subset of verbs that it has declared to support. The class of all resolver names. Resolvers are verbs which are used for resolving generated properties.

1.3 § VValk fabric properties The class of properties which are defined by the ValOS kernel domain ontologies.

This section describes fabric properties introduced by the 'VValk' namespace

rdfs:domain rdfs:range

1.4 § VValk fabric methods The class of all valosheath type prototype methods.

This section describes fabric methods introduced by the 'VValk' namespace

rdfs:domain rdfs:range

1.5 § VValk fabric globals The class of all valosheath global resources.

This section describes fabric global objects introduced by the 'VValk' namespace

rdf:type Comment

1.6 § VValk remaining vocabulary terms

rdf:type rdfs:subClassOf


description positional argument 0


description positional argument 1


description positional argument 2


description positional argument 3


description positional argument 4


description resolve chronicle root of the resource


description resolve chronicle URI of the resource


description resolve modification timestamp of the resource


description resolve creation timestamp of the resource


description resolve VPlot


description assign via VPlot


description resolve context term against the event log of the given resource


description resolve resource id of the given resource


description resolve resource VRID object of the given resource


description resolve dominant type name of the given resource


description resolve only owns-fields-only transient of this resource


description resolve the ghost prototype of this ghost


description resolve the ghost host of this ghost


description resolve octet count of the octet-stream associated with the Bvob


description resolve the twinspace of the ScopeProperty


description resolve the reified twin subject of the ScopeProperty


description resolve the reified twin object of the ScopeProperty