ValOS Engine API and Schema

This document is part of the library workspace @valos/engine (of domain @valos/kernel) which has the description: `ValOS Engine API and Schema`.

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§ The VEngine fabric namespace of the library ontology of @valos/engine

'VEngine' namespace provides vocabulary for describing and defining the valosheath and its types, objects, properties, methods and constants.

§ @valos/engine IRI prefixes

Prefix IRI

§ VEngine fabric classes The class of classes which are defined by the ValOS kernel domain ontologies.

This section describes fabric classes introduced by the 'VEngine' namespace

rdfs:subClassOf description


VKernel:Class The class of classes which are defined by the ValOS kernel domain ontologies. The class of all valosheath type prototype properties.


VKernel:Property The class of properties which are defined by the ValOS kernel domain ontologies. The class of all valosheath type prototype properties.


VKernel:Property The class of properties which are defined by the ValOS kernel domain ontologies. The class of all valosheath type prototype methods.


rdfs:ResourceThe class of all valosheath global resources.


rdf:PropertyThe class of all valosheath object properties.


rdf:PropertyThe class of all valosheath object methods.

§ VEngine fabric properties The class of properties which are defined by the ValOS kernel domain ontologies.

This section describes fabric properties introduced by the 'VEngine' namespace

rdfs:domain rdfs:range


VState:Type The class of all valospace types. The instances of valospace types are called valospace resources and are the main valos ecosystem building block.Only valospace resources can appear as a subject in valospace resource and event triple graphs. VState:Field The class of all valospace resource field identifiers.Only the instances of this class can appear as the predicate in valospace triple graphs. All valospace fields have VState:Type or one of its sub-classes as their rdf:domain.
description The VState:Field individuals which have this VState:Type as their rdfs:domain.


rdfs:Class VKernel:Property The class of properties which are defined by the ValOS kernel domain ontologies.
description The VKernel:Property individuals which have this rdfs:Class as their rdfs:domain.


rdfs:Class VEngine:Method The class of all valosheath type prototype methods.
description The VEngine:Method individuals which have this rdfs:Class as their rdfs:domain.


rdfs:Class VEngine:ObjectProperty The class of all valosheath object properties.
description The VEngine:ObjectProperty individuals which have this rdfs:Class as their rdfs:domain.


rdfs:Class VEngine:ObjectMethod The class of all valosheath object methods.
description The VEngine:ObjectMethod individuals which have this rdfs:Class as their rdfs:domain.

§ VEngine valosheath methods The class of all valosheath type prototype methods.

This section describes fabric methods introduced by the 'VEngine' namespace

rdfs:domain rdfs:range

§ VEngine field resolvers The class of all resolver names. Resolvers are verbs which are used for resolving generated properties.

This section describes valospace-to-fabric resolvers introduced by the 'VEngine' namespace

Comment rdf:type

§ VEngine valosheath globals The class of all valosheath global resources.

This section describes valosheath global objects introduced by the 'VEngine' namespace

rdf:type Comment

§ VEngine remaining vocabulary names

rdf:type rdfs:subClassOf


VKernel:API The class of concepts which represent application programming interfaces.
description The API for accessing valos fabric from valospace.Contains the vocabulary with which valoscript code can access non-valospace resources, notably including the services of the current execution environment.