Specifies ValOS chronicle, its behaviors and the 'VChronicle' namespace

A chronicle is a document with a history. In ValOS a chronicle has two facets. The valospace facet of a chronicle is the set of all *state resources* that are recursively owned by the chronicle *root resource*. The fabric facet of a chronicle is the *event log* ie. the linear sequence of *events* that describe the incremental changes to the chronicle state resources.

This document specifies the VChronicle namespace for defining *chronicle behaviors* ie. constraints to the changes that can be made to a chronicle. These behaviors are defined via the chronicle root resource properties that are named using VChronicle namespace terms.

This document is part of the library workspace @valos/chronicle (of domain @valos/kernel) which has the description: `Specifies ValOS chronicle, its behaviors and the 'VChronicle' namespace`.

Edit me - this is the first payload chapter. Abstract and SOTD are essential ReSpec boilerplate

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See also ReVdoc specification and VDoc specification for reference documentation.

§ The VChronicle valospace namespace of the library ontology of @valos/chronicle

The valospace vocabulary for specifying behaviors on specific chronicles

§ @valos/chronicle IRI prefixes

Prefix IRI
rdf http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
rdfs http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
xsd http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#
owl http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#
dc http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/
acl http://www.w3.org/ns/auth/acl#
vcard http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#
VChronicle https://valospace.org/chronicle/0#
VKernel https://valospace.org/kernel/0#
VState https://valospace.org/state/0#
VLog https://valospace.org/log/0#
V https://valospace.org/0#

§ VChronicle valospace types The class of all valospace types. The instances of valospace types are called valospace resources and are the main valos ecosystem building block.Only valospace resources can appear as a subject in valospace resource and event triple graphs.

This section describes valospace types introduced by the 'VChronicle' namespace

VRevdoc:brief rdfs:subClassOf

§ VChronicle valospace fields The class of properties which are defined by the ValOS kernel domain ontologies.

This section describes valospace fields introduced by the 'VChronicle' namespace

rdfs:domain rdfs:range rdf:type rdfs:subPropertyOf VState:coupledToField

§ VChronicle remaining vocabulary terms

rdf:type rdfs:subClassOf


VKernel:Class The class of classes which are defined by the ValOS kernel domain ontologies.
description When set to true all the chronicle events must be authored with an AuthorAspect.


V:Relation The class of valospace resources which represent directed, many-to-many relationships between nodes. With Entity and Media it forms the group of three primary node types. As a Scope it can have scriptable properties. Relation being a SourceredNode itself allows for nested and recursive relationship structures. acl:Authorization
description The collection of agents which have registered their signature public keys to the chronicle event log.


V:Relation The class of valospace resources which represent directed, many-to-many relationships between nodes. With Entity and Media it forms the group of three primary node types. As a Scope it can have scriptable properties. Relation being a SourceredNode itself allows for nested and recursive relationship structures. VChronicle:Contributorship
description The collection of identities which (and only which) can make changes to the chronicle behaviors (eg. permissions).