@valos/authority-spindle is a perspire worker plugin that implements a valosp: scheme authority as a set of @valos/web-spindle routes.

This document is part of the spindle workspace @valos/authority-spindle (of domain @valos/kernel) which has the description: `ValOS authority web route projectors spindle`.

Edit me - this is the first payload chapter. Abstract and SOTD are essential ReSpec boilerplate

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See also ReVdoc specification and VDoc specification for reference documentation.

§ Setting up the authority perspire server

Goal is to create and populate a directory as an npm workspace so that executing vlm perspire in it will launch a https server as a node process. node and npm (or yarn) are required as global CLI dependencies.

Additionally, the valos manager tool vlm and the @valos/kernel domain need to be installed globally:

sudo npm install -g valma @valos/kernel

Once installed, create a new directory (example directory below is "taur") and start the interactive session to initialize the workspace:

vlm init

We will use this tool to create a worker workspace without a domain and with @valos/web-spindle and @valos/authority-spindle toolsets.

? Set 'vault' as the valos.type (workspace is outside a vault)? (y/N)


After answering, vlm will echo the internal commands it performs like so:

[1] >> [2] vlm .configure/.valos-stanza

[2] >> [3] vlm '.select/.domain/**/*' --show-name --show-description

[2] << [3] vlm '.select/.domain/**/*': [{"...":{"columns":[["name",{"text...

The echos are omitted for the rest of this guide. Now let's choose no domain and type to be worker.

? Choose a package.json:valos.domain for the new workspace

<no domain> - <this workspace is not part of a domain>

? Choose a package.json:valos.type for the new workspace

worker - Execute perspire gateway as a Node.js process in this workspace

? Confirm package.json:valos.type choice: 'worker'? (Y/n)


At this point vlm init asks to delegate package.json initialization to yarn init . We accept defaults if available and give sane values otherwise.

? Initialize package.json with 'yarn init'?


yarn init v1.21.1

question name (taur-worker):

question version (0.1.0): 0.1.0

question description: Test authority

question entry point (index.js):

question repository url:

question author: Iridian

question license (MIT):

question private (true):

Verify that the domain @valos/kernel is visible as it is the origin of @valos/web-spindle and @valos/authority-spindle toolsets (among other things). We don't need to add other domains, so we bypass adding them.

[1] init informs: Visible domains:

package |version |pool



? yarn add more domains as devDependencies directly to this workspace?


? Commit package.json valos stanza: {"type":"worker","domain":""}?


At this point vlm init makes the first of several calls to yarn init . These separate calls are necessary as they bring in initialization and configuration code for subsequent stages.

[1] >> [4] vlm @ yarn add --dev @valos/type-worker@>=0.37.0-prerelease.0

yarn add v1.21.1

success Saved lockfile.

success Saved 224 new dependencies.

info Direct dependencies

└─ @valos/type-worker@0.37.0-prerelease.0

info All dependencies

└─ ...

Done in 38.60s.

At this point the init is complete and we proceed to configuring the workspace. The command vlm configure --reconfigure can always be manually re-executed from the CLI if something goes wrong after this point.

? Configure workspace with 'vlm configure --reconfigure'?


Leave service chronicle URI empty. The basic authority setup does not involve any custom service logic.

? The service chronicle URI

Always select copy-templates-files when given the option

? Pick tools selection choices for the toolset '@valos/type-worker'

copy-template-files - Copy toolset template files to the workspace

Now we get to select the toolsets we want. We need to manually install web-spindle only first as authority-spindle depends on it (and unfortunately automated dependency ordering is not implemented yet)

? Pick toolsets selection choices for the workspace

@valos/authority-spindle - Host a standalone authority using web-spindle route projectors

@valos/web-spindle - Project http/s requests to valospace-fabric via a gateway plugin

@valos/toolset-revealer - Run 'vlm rouse-revealer' to serve local inspire sites with webpack-dev-server

@valos/type-toolset - Make current workspace selectable as a toolset for other workspaces

[13] >> [18] vlm @ yarn add --dev @valos/web-spindle@>=0.37.0-prerelease.0

yarn add v1.21.1

Done in 12.25s.

We configure the web-spindle to have SSL enabled at localhost port 5443 and choose to have openssl to create insecure self-signed certificates for testing our authority.

? Enable SSL


? The port the Web API listens.


? The local address the Web API is bound to.


? Pick tools selection choices for the toolset '@valos/web-spindle'

copy-template-files - Copy toolset template files to the workspace

? Use 'openssl' to create insecure self-signed placeholder certificates?


[14] >> [19] vlm @ openssl req -x509 -newkey=rsa:4096 -keyout=env/local-authority.key.pem -out=env/local-authority.crt -days=7300 -nodes -subj=/CN=localhost

key |value



At this point the init completes for the first time. We still need to select the authority-spindle, so we re-execute configure:

vlm configure

These two copy-template-files are redundant

? Pick tools selection choices for the toolset '@valos/type-worker'


? Pick tools selection choices for the toolset '@valos/web-spindle'


Finally we get to select the authority-spindle toolset also.

? Pick toolsets selection choices for the workspace

@valos/authority-spindle - Host a standalone authority using web-spindle route projectors

@valos/web-spindle - Project http/s requests to valospace-fabric via a gateway plugin

@valos/toolset-revealer - Run 'vlm rouse-revealer' to serve local inspire sites with webpack-dev-server

@valos/type-toolset - Make current workspace selectable as a toolset for other workspaces

Let's use the default URI for the actual authority URI. While the port and host should match the ones used by web-spindle, the hierarchy part can be anything. taur is only inferred from the package name.

? The authority valosp URI.


? Short description for the public authority config

Test authority

? Pick tools selection choices for the toolset '@valos/authority-spindle'


key |value



The setup of the authority is now complete. Let's start the perspire worker.

vlm perspire

If everything runs smoothly, we should have 15 routes on two prefixes:

[1] perspire informs: MapperService(MapperService$.1): listening @ { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 5443 } prepared prefixes:

/: taur-worker@0.1.0 - openapi Example Title

valosp://localhost:5443/taur/: taur-worker@0.1.0 - Test authority