This document is a collection of tutorials and possibly other notes created by Jaradacl based on the tasks given. (During first few days at least)
This document is part of the toolset workspace @valos/type-vault (of domain @valos/kernel) which is A valma toolset for managing valos vault monorepository workspaces

§ How to create RevDoc

This is a step-by-step guide on how to create RevDoc using cli.
  1. Ensure you have python installed.
  2. Navigate to the folder you want your revdoc.js to reside and run the following command:


    Note: If you create your RevDoc under the revdocs/ folder, your HTML and VDocState files will be generated to the project root

  3. You will now be asked the following information:
    • Title of the document: This is human-readable title of the document.
    • ReSpec short name

    • Document editors: Comma-separated value of the editors of your document.

    • Document authors: Comma-separated value of the authors of your document.

  4. Next navigate to the root of your project and run the following command

    vlm regenerate-docs

    This will create HTML and VDocState files based on your RevDoc

  5. Now run the following command

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer

  6. Open browser and navigate to the localhost in the port you just opened. (8000 by default)

  7. Your HTML and VDocState files can now be found under docs/ in the same path as where you saved your RevDoc file; for example if you saved your RevDoc under packages/type-vault it can now be found under docs/packages/type-vault.